Friday, 15 February 2013

Liefde via Skype

Somedays are bad, some days are good..... Today was one of those from the awesome variety.
Job Admin continued, a morning swimming with my two favourite mermaids, coffee with grand-folks... Then the most heart wrenchingly velvety roses arrived.
In a starred eyed haze I pulled on my trainers and walked! I took a different route, a couple fell out of the registry office, confetti swirled around us, we run, run smiling, swallows sweep down low and up higher, we walk, the low winter sun shone, burning my face, I count my blessings, a figure walked towards us, a face I once knew years have passed. We sat until the fisherman pulled up the moon, those angels sure are working in mysterious ways. On departing the Stars begin to sparkle through the peach pink sky. Orla & I run again.
Tonight we have our first date ( I'm of course late) candles flicker, rosy cheeked, red dress, gin & tonic, salad, those velvety roses still there, I'm not dreaming. In front of me sits a man, same candles flicker, he smiles nervously, I blush more, his shirt his tie, we clink glasses, eat our valentines dinners together but so apart.
"An arrow can only by shot by pulling it backwards, so when life is dragging you back with difficulties it means you are going to launch into something great, so just keep your focus and keep aiming"

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Productive Days

We have been washing, budget food shopping, cv updating, sneezing, application filling, jogging in hailstones, coughing, cleaning, receiving beautiful surprises from the postman &...... finally bathing & sleeping.
I am feeling calm & positive lots of opportunities out there for the taking ..... Come on Amie x

Monday, 4 February 2013

Ruby Tuesday

We are in February finally, January was magically overwhelming!
February I have decided to change jobs, a volunteer whom I had become close with threatened to take his own life. I can't work under this type of responsibility I feel. I am certainly not trained nor have the mental strength to deal with this situation again. I have been allocated time off to consider my future but in my heart I can not go back. Today i am updating my CV with Katie, applying for a variety of different positions. Also a day full of laundry, Lidls shopping, time with Jasmine & lots of smiling. I am confident I will find work quickly I will let you all know within the week.